Saturday, October 17, 2009


hey hey, my my.
buddy Joe. (sounds like 'bloody joke'). 
yet another storm er? this time, i'm rocking too. like what the hell' man. but like all storms, they usually pass.
so hang in there brudder.


week's has been toil and tolls! some late night escapade, then more late dinners. and then pulling late nights at the shipyard. then suddenly, the energy to create somes, seeping seepage at first, now a torrent it almost is!
let's see if let this get to waste, Again™.  
last night was sobering.  and it was much needed. 


an afternoon @home. alone, 'cept for the rodents. this is rare! Liking it quite a bit!

ok: decided to edit my photos. grins. i'm finally getting down to creating again. 
and really gotta start channeling this 'yinyang' some where.

I'm feeling happy these days. Restrained, but happy.
God, keep me this way. Amen. Show me more of the comings, and thy plans. 
Bring me the past week. again. please!! 

blessed be all the who i've been blessed with. amen lord.
