Friday, April 21, 2006


I'm so denied.

of a chance of greater heights from where i stood high up.

of a greater chance at chanced' encounters.

in academic terms, few will understand.

of this knowledge that i'm always withering in denial.

I denied myself humbleness.

and faith.

awake up call that came so untimely? or rather timely too.

well...its just another 18hours to another examination. am I ready? My loved ones cheer me on, just be too stressed on thyself they told me. I guess I have to heed. but wats the point sometimes of these stress....
is it a self-carve void i'm harbouring? or just a mis-step that expanded into nothingness?

Whats wisdom that comes from hardwork? or is worthless as sudden windfall?

It all boils down to choices.


I thank thee, My Lord. For i get to choose. Now, i ask for this moment on. I be on the right mind to choose. chase the physical and shallowness away. Its a hard time, no mistake about that. but i don 't wanna stumble. least the haunting past comes in return, in return i wanna turn to thee. now work thy angels on me, my mind and heart and faith. No stumbleine I'll be.

stargazer. star=sol.


F¡яєвџяN said...

The lord will give you strength ...just hang on.