Monday, April 25, 2011


post-meow'ed. later====>   Term.three.

so, i'm planted and i shall await jinger' aka turtle (turt).

a good trip. pitcher plants -checked, work -checked, potentials -checked, wild-life -checked, stars -checked, liberation progression -checked, jungle trek -checked. it seems good. for my soul too.'


I'm peeling too. from the sun's works on me, and the rays of liberation.  couple of hundreds poorer later (or now), I'm feeling richer. more confident to take on nature perhaps. the ??plateu?? the mosses and the steeps. broke a step, swam aside a jelly, greeted some urchins, perhaps, I need to see what I really want now.

a partner is great, to maintain my sanity, and keeping me in check. in reality check.

so perhaps now, after this 2 hour wait up ahead later, a local chow be good.


home is home.
